Dr. Laurie AbiHabib

On behalf of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Balamand, I would like to thank you for your support of our academic and co-academic programs at the Faculty. Your interventions at our workshops and retreats over the past two years have been most appreciated by students’ and faculty alike. There is no token that can adequately say thank you for the kind of inspiring sessions you give and the one you gave today.

I for one have learned much from your interactive and creative approaches in helping students to expand their professional and life skills. Your words bring so much hope and motivation, and the students and we faculty all need that to remind us of all of the things that matter and lead us forward.

I and our Faculty will count on you as a valued member of our team and a beacon for keeping us on track with our dreams and mission.

I hope that we could continue collaborations in future and look forward to your insightful feedback and continuing support. Thank you again.